Sh. Arvind Kumar Sharma
Hon'ble Cooperation Minister, Haryana
Welcome to Haryana Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Ltd.
The Dairy Corporation was formed in 1970 which continued active functioning till 31.03.1977. There after its business was taken over by Federation to set up THREE TIER SYSTEM based on Anand Pattern. Since 1.04.1992 the Federation has leased out the Plants to the Milk Unions. HARYANA is one of the most progressive states of Republic of India. In the domain of dairy development it is well known for its productive milch cattle particularly the 'Murrah' Buffaloes and Haryana Cows. The economy of the state is predominantly based on agriculture. People rear and breed cattle as a subsidiary occupation. The essence of various programmes launched in the State has been to adopt the Anand pattern of Milk Co-operatives. Under this system, all the functions of dairying like milk procurement, processing and marketing are controlled by the Milk Producers themselves.
Featured Products

Dahi (DTM) Jar 5 kg

Double Toned Milk Pouch
Full Cream Milk
Full Cream Milk Pouch

Kaju Pinni Box 225 gm

Pet Jar
Standardized Milk
Toned Milk
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State Vigilance Bureau
1800-180-2022, 1064