19th March, New Delhi
NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY AWARDS 2004-05 Presented for First Best Productivity Performance in Dairy Processing Industries (Small Units) by SH. SUBODH KANT SAHAI, HON'BLE MINISTER OF STATE FOR FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES to The Ballabgarh Co-operative Milk Producer's Union Limited BALLABGARH. SH. BHOPAL SINGH, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER of MILK UNION received the Award from HON'BLE MINISTER in Awards distribution function at SCOPE CONVENTION CENTRE, NEW DELHI.

19th March, New Delhi
NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY AWARDS 2004-05 Presented for Second Best Productivity Performance in Dairy Processing Industries (Small Units) by SH. SUBODH KANT SAHAI, HON'BLE MINISTER OF STATE FOR FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES to The Hisar-Jind Co-operative Milk Producer's Union Limited JIND. SH. G.R. GROVER, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER of MILK UNION received the Award from HON'BLE MINISTER in Awards distribution function at SCOPE CONVENTION CENTRE, NEW DELHI.